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Learning Series: Improving the Lives of Boys and Men of Color

A Life Course Framework for Improving the Lives of Boys and Young Men of Color  provides a holistic analytic framework and a strategic canvas for improving the life outcomes for males of color.

Surveying research that charts economic, criminal justice, family and socio-ecological changes in the U.S. over the past forty years helps articulate how race, gender and place intersect in ways that drive disparate life outcomes for males of color. Using a visual life course approach, the framework demonstrates:

  1. How well-being is a consequence of multiple interacting determinants;
  2. That different trajectories of well-being are the product of cumulative risk, protective factors and other influences over one's lifetime; and,
  3. How the timing and sequence of  experiences influence the development and life outcomes of both individuals and populations.

The framework then considers the inter-generational implications of this approach and provides insight into life course approaches to developing programming for disadvantaged fathers.


Presentation Full Video:

PowerPoint Presentation Slides



About the Presenter

Arnold L. Chandler is a policy advocate, researcher, and social change strategist who for more than 19 years has helped nonprofits and foundations develop evidence-informed strategies to advance programs and policies focused on social and economic equity. He is the co-founder of Forward Change Consulting based in Oakland, California.  Recently, he was a Senior Research Associate at the Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law.  Before that he was a research Analyst working with a team to reform the Oakland Police Department as part of a federal lawsuit settled in 2001.

Prior to that he was a researcher and policy strategist at PolicyLink for six years. Chandler has authored several important policy analyses and studies in the social justice field as well as advised several nonprofit organizations on the use of Internet tools for supporting advocacy and social change efforts. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a M.S. in Information Systems. He lives in Oakland, California with his wife Janet.

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