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Community Cafés


The Community Café model was introduced as part of the Dad Allies Initiative at the third-annual Fatherhood Summit in March 2021. A series of Community Cafés were planned across the state, and within specific populations, to lift up the voices of fathers, engage community providers, and coalesce around our North Star Father-Friendly Principles.

These events help lay the community groundwork for positive change that expands our capacity for men to become the fathers they want to be for their children and families.

They’re open to:

  • Dads with lived experience in systems that support families in all types of family constellations.

  • Providers who deliver child and family services through inclusion, and father-specific services, who want to increase their capacity to meet the unique needs of fathers.

  • Advocates looking for ways to decrease stress on families and support all the loving adults in the family.

  • Local state agency staff who are part of the complex system that fathers relate to when they seek services.

If you're interested in hosting a Dad Allies Café, please send us a message here. 

Upcoming Events

  • Fathers Matter:  A Community Cafe with King County Dads - Saturday September 21, 9:00 am to noon - Register Now!
  • Fathers Matter:  A Community Cafe with Clark County Dads - Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to noon - Registration Open Soon!
  • Fathers Matter:  A Community Cafe with Yakima County Dads - Saturday, October 26, 9:00 am to noon - Registration Opens Soon!

Past Events

  • Tulalip Tribal Fatherhood Cafe - May 2024
  • Snohomish County Fatherhood Cafe - January 2024
  • Clark County Fatherhood Cafe - September 2023
  • Kitsap County Fatherhood Cafe - September 2023
  • Thurston County Fatherhood Cafe - February 2023
  • Skagit County Fatherhood Cafe - January 2023
  • South King County Fatherhood Cafe - November 2022
  • Mason County Fatherhood Cafe - October 2022
  • Spokane County Fatherhood Cafe - May 2022
  • Pierce County Reentry Dads Fatherhood Cafe - April 2022
  • Cowlitz County Fatherhood Cafe - March 2022 

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