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Provider Learning Series - How to Better Engage Fathers in Behavioral Health Treatment

Thursday, January 19, 2023 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

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About this Virtual Event: 

Men's mental health is a key component to supporting dads, but national statistics show that more than twice as many women go to therapy than men do and men wait far longer than women to seek treatment when dealing with mental health issues.  And when they do, on average men attend fewer sessions and drop out of therapy prematurely[1].  Men frequently see going to therapy as a sign of weakness, instead of sign of inner strength and an important investment in their children.  This session provided an overview of how these barriers came about, what mental health providers can to overcome these barriers, and some ideas on how to work effectively with men to address their mental health needs.  

[1] Men’s Dropout From Mental Health Services: Results From a Survey of Australian Men Across the Life Span - PMC (

About the Presenter

Alex Stoker is a licensed mental health counselor who has spent much of his career working with men. This includes 6 years of providing direct behavioral health services and 3 years of state program administration.  And he has almost 7 years of experience of being a dad.  During his time as a therapist, he ran a men’s trauma recovery group and was a Crisis Prevention Specialist Manager.  He then ran the Reentry Community Services Program, which works with individuals with severe and persistent mental illness with a history of felony convictions with the goal of transitioning them into and supporting them in the community. Over 90% of the participants in this program were men. His vocational passions include men’s mental health and the development of positive, whole masculinity, as well as reentry work with individuals transitioning out of a jail or prison system.

He is currently the Acting Supervisor for the Adult and Involuntary Treatment Programs at the WA State Healthcare Authority. He has two daughters, aged 6 and 3.  


YouTube Recording - Note:  we had some technical difficulties to the recording starts a few minutes into the presentaiton.  

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