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Expecting Male Involvement – Shifting Mindsets – Part 1

Thursday, February 15, 2024 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

This was a Virtual Event 


What prevents me from being fully present in my children’s lives? Policy, culture, and leadership. Male presence in childrearing, be it parenting, caregiving, being an uncle, early childhood education, or more, is both an art, a science, and a cultural revolution that can change the trajectory of a child’s life. Yet, harsh criticism, negative media portrayal, and unhealed trauma, further pushes fatherhood and masculinity into the depths of toxicity, anger, and withdrawal. So, what will it take for our queens and non-binary royalties to make space for our kings in areas other than breadwinner and disciplinary? What changes must our systems enact so that our males understand their work is at home, and ain’t in the streets.  What’s the love letter we as a society must write to our men to let them know that you’re the most important thing to this child’s life? 

Facilitated by three male educators of color, Amir (he/him), Nick (he/him), and Mike (he/him), we discuss what a world would look like if males had a chance to be emotionally, academically, and socially involved in the lives of children. As we reflect together on the policy, culture, and leadership needs for males, we’ll explore men’s needs in both giving and receiving care. Join us for this two part series (Part 1 in February and Part 2 in March), as reclaim the narrative of Black and Brown male involvement. 

Pre-Workshop Reflective Questions:

  1. Twenty years from now, what do you hope children say about their father / father figure in their lives?
  2. What changes must we make to allow for them to fulfil this fantasy?

About our Speakers

Nick Terrones, Practitioner and Trainer, Early Childhood Education 

Nick Terrones (he/him) is Mexican-Native American, a descendant of the Chumash people whose traditional lands span a large part of southern California. Nick has been in the Early Childhood field for over 15 years, 12 of those years working directly with toddlers and families. Outside of the school setting, Nick is a member in the World Forum Foundation on Early Care and Education’s Men in ECE leadership team. He is interested in ways to recruit and retain men of color to the wonderful world of early learning, as well as provide opportunities for people to explore and unlearn their gender, racial, and cultural biases through pragmatic presentation and publishing. Check out his book, A Can of Worms: Fearless Conversations with Toddlers through Exchange Press (


Mike Browne, Senior Director for Community Engagement at Cultivate Learning at the University of Washington

Mike Browne (he/him), is an east coast transplant from New York with a MBA degree in International Business and Marketing. He currently serves as the Senior Director for Community Engagement at Cultivate Learning at the University of Washington where he organizes culturally responsive professional development workshops and opportunities for leaders working with young children. Prior to that he served as Community Engagement Manager at Hilltop Children’s Center and Educator Institute. After exchanging his tap shoes for football shoes, he played Division 1 Football for the University at Albany, where he played cornerback and safety. Following 3 years of working and living in London and Spain, he found his way to Seattle where he has been building bridges between communities to help create a city where the voices of the marginalized are heard, inclusive policies are created, and citizens unite to form a vibrant urban center. While over the years, his job titles may have changed, and the cities he lives in may look different, one thing has remained the same – his ability to create and implement purposeful desired community change, form effective relationships and sustain community vitality. Feel free to contact him via LinkedIn or via email


Amir Gilmore, PhD. Professor of Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education and Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion for Student Success and Retention at Washington State University.

Amir’s interdisciplinary background in Cultural Studies, Africana Studies, and Education allows him to traverse the boundaries across the social sciences, the arts, and the humanities. His interests in Black Critical Theory and Black Masculinities ground his scholarship on Black Boy Joy, and he is well versed in areas such as Critical Race Theory, feminisms, and social theory. His vision and scholarship make critical contributions to the fields of Black Studies and Education, as well as connects to larger discussions of Afrofuturism and Black Aesthetics. He’s a New York raised, Black, male educator with a PS5.


Links to Free Resources:

Mike’s Twitter: @miguelitobrowne 
Mike’s Website: 
Napcast, A podcast on Race, Culture, and Early Childhood Education: Spotify and Apple 
Black Boy Joy By Amir and Mike (free article on Exchange Magazine by creating an account)
Black Boyhood Just Don’t Stop By Amir and Mike (free article on Exchange Magazine by creating an account)
Amir LinkedIn: 
Fearless Conversations with Toddlers Webinar by Nick and Mike
Real Conversations with Kids (podcast) by Big Picture Social Emotional Learning

YouTube Recording of the Presentation


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