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Provider Learning Series: Parenting Together, Even If You're Not

April 2022

Co-parenting requires a lot of effort and doesn’t come easy! Things like empathy, patience and communication are all part of the recipe. Join us for a conversation to explore how to implement these pieces of the puzzle even when the parents are not together and others are also involved in raising the children.

Check out slides from the presentation here.




Meet the Presenter

Michael Ramos, National Trainer on Father Engagement & Co-Parenting

In addition to hosting training sessions for several state agencies, Michael has conducted international webinars for the Department of Justice. As the Fatherhood Initiative Coordinator for the state of Massachusetts, he managed the Father and Families Professional Network of professionals supporting dads statewide.

Michael has also led trainings and workshops for Healthy Family Home Visiting sites throughout Massachusetts. He is a Nurturing Fathers facilitator/consultant and manages Nurturing Fathers programs at several county correctional facilities for incarcerated fathers. Michael is a father of four and prides himself on being a mentor to others in blended families, and those who are co-parenting, by drawing from both his personal and professional experiences.

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